Were you in a car accident?
If you were injured, know what you you can do!

Call the Police
Make sure to tell them your side of the story. Without your viewpoint, the police can only base their report on the other's persons claims because they simply don’t have your view of the auto accident.

Take Pictures!
Make sure you take pictures of the other driver's insurance information and, more importantly, of the scene of the auto accident and any damage to your vehicle. This evidence is crucial when dealing with insurance companies.

Go See a Doctor
If you feel any pain at all, go see a doctor as soon as possible! The adrenaline from a car accident often can keep you from feeling any pain, only for that pain to show up hours or even days later! It can be your regular doctor or the urgent care down the street, but go as soon as you feel any pain.

Call your Lawyer!
Our attorneys at Fomby Law Firm are always here to answer any questions you have and will help you reach the best settlement possible with the insurance companies. Car accidents are always stressful and insurance companies only make it worse.
We treat every case, no matter how large or small, with the same attention to detail to ensure all our clients get what they deserve.
Give us a call today. We will tell you what your options are and discuss what we can do to help.
Were you injured in a car accident?
Go see a doctor immediately as soon as you start feeling any pain. You might not feel injured immediately after an accident, but only start feeling significant pain later because the initial adrenaline from the accident has worn off. This does not mean you won’t be able to get your medical bills paid for by the insurance company.
Getting medical treatment for your injuries is essential to the value of your case. Do you have a doctor you already see? Go see the physician you feel comfortable with. You can also choose to visit the closest emergency room or urgent care near you.
If you don’t have health insurance or cannot afford to pay the deductible, give us a call. We can help you find treatment so you don’t have to pay anything upfront, and your medical bills will simply get paid out of the settlement. You get to the treatment you need without the worry.
Typical Car Accident Injuries:
Neck Injuries
Back Injures
Concussion or Brain Injuries
Broken Bones
Torn Ligaments
Catastrophic Injuries